Halloween Fun and Day of the Dead celebration!

Halloween Fun and Day of the Dead celebration!

On Tuesday, October 31st, we played several fun activities to celebrate Halloween. Everyone dressed in their costumes, there was everything between astronauts and superheroes to princesses and ninjas. All the students in the school split into four smaller groups in house teams (for those who don’t remember, those are the 4 colour teams all the students were placed in) and we played four fun activities.

One activity was in the G.P. room, which was bobbing for apples on sticks and limbo, run by Ms. K and Ms. Trish.

Another activity was in the kindergarten room where we danced to music with Mrs. Bullock, playing musical chairs with paper rather than chairs. In this activity you made your way around tables and tried to reach a page on the ground when the music stopped.

In the grade 7/8 room there were gross bowls which the bravest children stuck their hands in, searching for the witches guts, eyes and heart. After that we made up spooky stories with Ms. Singh and the grade seven eights who helped run this activity.

In the 5/6 room we played Halloween bingo with scary monster, creepy ghosts, bats, cats, witches and frogs. Two teams competed for bingo and Miss Tonya gave house points to the winners.

When we were all done everyone got a choice between heading to the park for an extended recess or watching Hotel Transylvania 1. Big thanks to all the teachers for planning the fun day.

Another celebration we had this week was on Friday, November 3rd, where we had a special class to learn about the Day of the Dead celebration, which was a presentation run by Ms. Singh and Gala’s parents.

We ate traditional sugar bread called Pan de Muertos. We also watched videos and had discussions explaining all the customs and traditions of a celebration that many Latinos countries consider as one of the most important days of the year.

Thank you Gala and Ms. Singh for the special day in Language Arts.