The Outdoor Classroom


This week, the Grade 1/2 class discovered that we learn sooooooo much when we explore the “outdoor classroom”!  During our trip to Little Cataraqui Creek Conservation Area we learned about taking care of nature and our environment.  We explored a stream and found many wonderful tiny creatures.  We learned about camouflage and played a fun hiding game.  We went on a long hike through the forest and looked at moss, fungi, and wild flowers.  Little Cat Creek is a fabulous place to learn!  We can’t wait to go back!


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Book Club Adventures: Chapter One

Book Club Adventures: Chapter One


We are reading ‘The City of Ember’ by Jeanne DuPrau. It’s a YA novel set in a dark city where everything is old and slowly breaking down. Two children, Lina and Doon, start to investigate the hidden areas and discover a great big secret….

We meet on Tuesdays from 4:30-5:30, and have a discussion about aspects of the book’s theme, the characters, and interesting plot points. To add to our literacy skills, we discuss unfamiliar vocabulary and read sections out loud to each other. The best part, according to the club members, is snack time! We have only started reading the first two chapters, so if you know someone in grade 3-8 who would enjoy reading along with us, please contact the school to register.

Happy reading!


~ Ms. Coe



Fun at the Fair!

The Grade 1/2 class had a very busy week preparing for and attending the Kingston Fall Fair.  We learned all about milking cows, sheering sheep, and being a blacksmith.  We saw beautiful flowers and had the opportunity to see the farm animals up close!  What a fabulous experience!  We can’t wait for the next adventure!  Learning outside the classroom is so much fun!

Moooo-ve aside! Here we come!

This has been a very exciting second week in Kindergarten!  Our class learned all about cows for the Fall Fair.

We were very curious and had lots of questions!  We found the answers we were looking for in videos, books, and by searching the internet.  Afterwards, we made some very cute cows eating grass.

We learned how to milk a cow!


Finally, we got to visit the Fall Fair!  There, we got to pet cows, horses, baby chicks, and other farm animals.  We watched a sheep get sheered using a 110 year old machine, and watched a Blacksmith make a hook from a rod. We saw motorcycles do tricks, ate corn on the cob, apples, and drank milk!  What a great day!



I am looking forward to visiting Little Catraqui Creek for the first time next Tuesday!