7/8 French - un bon début!

Dans notre cours de français, nous avons déjà fait beaucoup d’activités amusantes. Nous avons commencé avec un contrat d’apprentissage pour qu’on puisse tous sentir à l’aise en classe et savoir quoi attendre . Nous avons appris beaucoup de phrases utiles pour nous aider à exprimer nos opinions et nous avons pratiqué notre vocabulaire avec de nombreuses discussions et débats intéressants sur la technologie, les cellulaires et l’école. Nous avons joué au bingo, à Quizlet et à Kahoot ainsi qu’à un jeu de Cherche et Trouve dans lequel nous devions poser d’autres des questions. Nous avons présenté nos intérêts à la classe et avons déjà fait un quiz avec de bons résultats ! Nous devenons plus confiants et sommes tous heureux pour un bon départ.

In our French class we have already done many fun activities. We started the year with a learning contract so that everyone could feel comfortable in class and know what to expect. We learned a lot of useful phrases to help us express our opinions and we practiced these in several interesting discussions about technology, cell phones and school. We played bingo, Quizlet and Kahoot as well as a human scavenger hunt. We made presentations to the class to introduce ourselves and have even already had a quiz with good results. Everyone is becoming more confident and glad for a strong start.

  • the 7/8 French class

7/8 Geography - Where we are.

Who knew that there was so much to know! We have been spending our social science time looking at geography, specifically how the physical characteristics of Earth affect and are affected by people and communities. We examined a case study about the Ebola virus through a geographic lens to get to know the four key aspects of geographic inquiry: 1. interrelationships, 2. spatial significance, 3. economic / environmental / cultural and political perspectives and 4. patterns and trends. The grade 8’s played Pandemic, a collaborative game exploring the roles and challenges of keeping viruses from spreading across borders, while the grade 7’s began a journey of discovery through a webquest about the world’s landforms.


We even had a special guest: a British volcanologist who Skyped with us from Germany to give us the inside scoop on all things volcano-related!

September French 5/6 - Introductions have been made

At the beginning of September we learned new French vocabulary to help us ask questions. We got to know each other by playing French games and presenting ourselves to the class. We studied, practiced our vocabulary, and played kahoot!, among other activities. We had many discussions and opportunities to talk and answer questions in French about pictures, videos and comic strips. Our teacher is also our Art teacher so we will be making and illustrating French storybooks for our kindergarten friends.

French in September - so much fun!

So far in French class, we have had a lot of fun, especially making and singing new songs. We learned about ‘Les Objets de la Classe’ (Classroom objects)the difference between masculine and feminine words in French and spelling and activities. We’ve also been practicing our dialogues to introduce ourselves and playing games that get us talking in French more and more. It has been challenging to get all the spelling right and to know the difference between ‘what is it?’ and ‘whose is it?’, but we are happy with French class and looking forward to more fun and learning! You can listen to some of our songs here:

The grade 3 and 4 class