Back from March Break

On are first day back from March Break, the whole school went to Trillium Gymnastics. We all left the school at 12:15 in the afternoon. For the first hour Kindergartens to Grade Three went into the gym while from Grade 5 to Grade 8, worked on a math challenge practice sheet. After grades 5 to 8 went into the gym until it was time to go back to the school. There were four stations: the first one had to do with trampolines, the second one had to do with the bars, the third one with the balance beams, and the fourth one with the air trampoline. On Tuesday we had a new member join us in the Grade 7-8 classroom (Noah). Throughout the rest of the week the Grade 7-8 class worked on a verb consistency essay that consisted of three exciting things that happened during our March break.The first of the three paragraphs our teacher gave us feedback on, but for the other two we were given a rubric and we had to self mark it. This made sure we all had all met the criteria to get a good grade. On Wednesday our class received a student teacher, Miss. Charlene, who would also be teaching us tech on Mondays and Fridays. On Friday the Grade 7-8 class went to a beeswax painting workshop in the afternoon. We learned how to manipulate bees wax to create artwork and how to create beeswax art without it cracking when it hardens.

3 Responses

  1. HI,

    I enjoy reading the blogs, but because they’re posted by a teacher, I can rarely see who actually wrote that particular blog. Can this always be included?

  2. We are joining the Lakeshore community in the fall 2018, I enjoy reading the blogs to get a sense of what to look forward to! Thanks for the descriptive details – sounds like a fun way to get back into school after a break.

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