Olympics have begun!!

On Monday, Feb 5th, we had an exciting class with Mr. Richard. With his guidance and assistance, we have been working hard to create bird houses in art class. This includes planning, designing, cutting wood, and painting. We even got to use the nail gun!

The Toronto Zoo came into school and taught us about the Great Lakes and the animals that live within them, some of whom are extinct or endangered. We got to see some cool things such as water animals and mussel shells and learned why conservation of water is very important!

On Tuesday we wished for a snow day, but it didn’t happen. On Wednesday, over half of our class didn’t come in because the weather was not great, however, by 1:00 PM the weather started getting worse so we got an early dismissal.

On Thursday, we delivered the speeches we had been working so hard on over the past couple of months to our parents. The afternoon was a huge success and everyone did a great job talking about different aspects of the Olympics. Congrats class!

Friday, we had our favourite hot lunch day…PASTA! It was a really nice meal to have. Finally, it was good to go home and chill out for the weekend to recharge for the next week, which happens to be the week of ski trip!